Describes grammatical and metrical conditions that restrict or encourage pronunciation of final -e at the end of lines in Chaucer's verse. Introduces double-consonant rhymes as a previously unnoticed factor in these concerns, explores their…
Item not seen. WorldCat records indicate this printed musical score includes settings for poetry by Chaucer, Myles Pinkney, St. Teresa of Jesus, and Richard Verstegan (Rowlands), with printed lyrics. An online reprint of page 1 shows the Chaucer…
Beichner, Paul E.
Mediaeval Studies 18 (1956): 135-44.
Includes examination of the verbal play on praying and belching in SumT 3.1934, arguing that the pun is effective satire even when manuscripts (including the Ellesmere) substitute "but" for the onomatopoetic "buf." Considers other puns…
Explores "imperfect analogies between Chaucerian poetics and border theory/pedagogy," reporting on classroom experiences and discussing what Chaucer can teach us about "inhabiting borderlands."
Stratford, Jenny.
Jessica A. Lutkin and J. S. Hamilton, eds. Creativity, Contradictions and Commemoration in the Reign of Richard II: Essays in Honour of Nigel Saul (Woodbridge: Boydell, 2022), pp. 75-92, plus appendix.
Summarizes the life and legacy of Isabella of Castile, examining in detail her last will and testament (included in Latin and French). Refutes John Shirley's suggestion in his manuscript afterwords to Mars and to Venus that the poems link the…
Atkinson, Ruth, and Geert van Iersel, trans
Nathanael Busch and Robert Fajen, eds. Allmächtig und Unfassbar: Geld in der Literatur des Mittelalters (Stuttgart: S. Hirzel, 2021), pp. 316-19.
Translates Purse into German verse, with notes; Middle English text included.
Širca, Alen.
Primerjalna književnost 44 (2021): 87-105.
Surveys depictions of Antigone in western literature from Antiquity through the late Middle Ages, with assessment of Chaucer's characterization of her in TC as an interweaving of Trojan and Theban traditions. In Bulgarian with English abstract.
Hines, Jessica.
Religion & Literature 54 (2022): 49-71.
Presents the role of pity as an "essential virtue" that does not negate suffering in TC; claims that Chaucer shifts language as a way to understand the "complex social and subjective position of pity" in TC.
Harris, Carissa M., and Fiona Somerset.
Studies in the Age of Chaucer 44 (2022): 268-71.
Identifies Criseyde's comment to Troilus about consent in TC, 3.1210–11 as evidence of her awareness of difference between "survival strategy" and "affirmative consent."
Hamaguchi, Keiko.
Studies in Medieval Language and Literature 37 (2022): 27-45.
Investigates TC's portrayal of Criseyde as a representation of English widows facing threats and deceit. Utilizing legal records of the time, considers how Poliphete's false suit mirrors real cases of widows unjustly targeted for their property and…
Easler, Jennifer Nicole.
Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Minnesota, 2022. Open access at (accessed November 18, 2023).
Examines the themes of prophecy and retold narrative in premodern works about Troy by Virgil, Dares and Dictys, Chaucer (TC), Lydgate, and Shakespeare, arguing that, in various ways, they "call into question the efficacy of poetry and of knowledge,…
Dumitescu, Irina.
Times Literary Supplement February 11, 2022, p. 27.
Comments on Criseyde in TC and the protagonists of LGW as evidence of Chaucer's effort "to articulate the problem of writing about women: in the public eye, no female character is entitled to a full personality."
Booth, Naomi.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2021.
Surveys literary representations of swooning from late medieval works to modern ones, assessing how the motif is "inflected and re-inflected as ideas of the body, gender, race, sexuality and sickness shift through time." After an introductory essay…
Alberghini, Jennifer.
Medieval Feminist Forum 57 (2022): 7-34.
Explores Criseyde's role as daughter in TC, Calkas's putative authority over her in marital matters, and the views of other characters concerning her ambiguous, conditional consent to her father's wishes. Treats Criseyde's "feminine virtue" and…
Contains archival evidence and unpublished papers from Henry Bradshaw. Examines Bradshaw's "rhyme tests," which he used to establish Chaucerian authorship of the "Tale of Gamelyn" and Rom, and accounts for Walter W. Skeat's sometimes incorrect…
Vercoe, Elizabeth, comp.
New York: American Composers Alliance, 2021.
Item not seen. WorldCat records indicate that this musical score includes "Qui bien aime" by Geoffrey Chaucer, i.e., the title of a French song cited in several manuscripts of PF before the roundel at PF, 680-92, here set to music, along with…
Demonstrates that PF reflects a movement from natural law to a more subjective interpretation of individual rights and ties this transition to the crisis of "commonalty" in the late fourteenth century.
Krajník, Filip.
Paul Poplawski, ed. Studying English Literature in Context: Critical Readings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022), pp. 27-43.
Contrasts medieval and modern ideas of authorship, focusing on how Chaucer "treated old authorities in developing his own reputation and what strategies he employed to establish a harmony among the multiple authorial voices" in PF. Proposes that, for…
Keller, Wolfram R.
Cornelia Wilde and Wolfram R. Keller, eds. Perfect Harmony and Melting Strains: Transformations of Music in Early Modern Culture between Sensibility and Abstraction (Boston, Mass.: De Gruyter, 2021), pp. 11-37.
Describes the background to and representations of the harmony of the spheres in PF and in HF, arguing that both poems depict the "three ventricles of the brain"--imagination, logic, and memory--and that, through parody and/or inversion, each depicts…