"Le Jaloux" and History: A Study in Mediaeval Comic Convention.
- Author / Editor
- Olson, Paul A.
"Le Jaloux" and History: A Study in Mediaeval Comic Convention.
- Published
- Dissertation Abstracts 19.10 (1959): 2603.
- Physical Description
- Ph. D. Dissertation. Princeton University, 1957.
- Description
- Places the medieval "Jaloux tale" in "its philosophic and historical framework," rooted in the marriage controversies of Sts. Augustine and Jerome with the Pelagians, Manichee, and Jovinians Traces the tradition in French humanists of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and in Chaucer's tales of deceived husbands—those of the Miller, Reeve, Manciple, Shipman, and Merchant—where they are used comically.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Miller and His Tale
Reeve and His Tale
Manciple and His Tale
Shipman and His Tale
Merchant and His Tale