Chaucer Bibliography Online
Chaucer Bibliography Online
Collection Items
The Road to Canterbury.
Item not seen. The WorldCat record indicates that this “continually updated,” interactive historical novel involves Chaucer and Philippa de Roet on a pilgrimage to Canterbury, with the reader joining the pilgrimage and helping to shape the plot.
Chaucer as a Prose Writer.
Identifies the "characteristics" of Chaucer's prose style in Bo, Mel, ParT, and Astr, comparing and contrasting them, and arguing that his reputation as a prose stylist has suffered because of linguistic changes and changes in taste.
Studies in Chaucer's Imagery.
Ranges throughout Chaucer's corpus, exploring imagery in a wide variety of works, arranged in five chapters: "Chaucer's Imagery and the Colors of Rhetoric," "The Appropriateness of the Subject Matter in Chaucer's Imagery," "Chaucer's Treatment of…
Chaucer and Dante: A Revaluation.
Comments on Chaucer's possible access to Dante's works before traveling to Italy in 1372, and explores the "literary relationship of the two writers," arguing that "Chaucer drew on Dante not heavily but over many years," principally for the Ugolino…
Chaucers Stellung in der Mittelalterlichen Literatur.
Surveys courtly virtues in Chaucer ("courtoisie," "franchise," "gentillesse," "honour," "joie," "pitie," etc.) and the vices which are grounded in pride and the pursuits of fortune. Focuses on KnT when examining the virtues and on the fabliaux for…
Two Texts of the "Disticha Catonis" and Its Commentary, with Special Reference to Chaucer, Langland, and Gower.
Edits "two glossed texts" of the "Disticha Catonis," constructed for use by students of Chaucer, Langland, and Gower. The Introduction juxtaposes passages from their poetry with "Catonian materials" to indicate the "poets' indebtedness" to the text…
Middle English: Chaucer.
A discursive review of Chaucerian scholarship and research published in 1954 divided into four sections: General, CT, TC, and Other Works.
Artistry in Troilus and Criseyde: A Study of Chronology, Structure, Characterization, and Purpose.
Compares TC with Boccaccio's "Filostrato," arguing that Chaucer "adapted more portions" of it "than has previously been noticed," subordinating formulas, conventions, thematic concerns, and moral concerns to artful construction and "psychological…
"Le Jaloux" and History: A Study in Mediaeval Comic Convention.
Places the medieval "Jaloux tale" in "its philosophic and historical framework," rooted in the marriage controversies of Sts. Augustine and Jerome with the Pelagians, Manichee, and Jovinians Traces the tradition in French humanists of the twelfth and…
The Clash and the Fusion of Medieval and Renaissance Elements in Chaucer's "Troilus."
Aligns Chaucer's style, themes, and characterization in TC with Renaissance humanism more than with medieval conventions, genres, and rhetoric, arguing that the poem anticipates the "poetry of Shakespeare's century" in its fusing realism, epic, and…
Chapters Toward a Study of Chaucer's Knowledge of Geography.
Addresses "source relationships of geographical matters" in Chaucer. Chaucer's cosmography and its sources, and other "geographical matters," arguing that Chaucer "makes more frequent use of geography than do most of his contemporaries." Focuses on…
Chaucer's Pilgrims: Three Studies in the Real and the Ideal.
Studies "historical background" to Chaucer's Monk, Clerk, and Physician, comparing their characterizations with historical personages. Argues that the Monk is "probably either Benedictine or Cistercian," and "primarily realistic" rather than satiric.…
Irony Through Imagery: A Chaucerian Technique Studied in Relation to Sources, Analogues and the Dicta of Medieval Rhetoric.
Shows that Chaucer uses "rhetorical figures . . . [to] produce imagery," analyzing the "use of imagery" in FrT, RvT, ShT, MerT, and MilT—in comparison with sources, where available—and focusing on how he uses imagery to create ironic effects…
Opowieści Kanterberyjskie: Wybór. [Canterbury Tales: Selections]
Item not seen. WorldCat records indicate that Margaret Schlauch wrote an Introduction and that Witold Chwalewik edited the commentary in this Polish translation of selections from CT.
The "Cattes Tale:" A Chaucer Apocryphon.
Offers perspective on affiliations of Elizabeth and Alice Chaucer with Barking Abbey; comments on cats in late-medieval literature (CT, “Piers Plowman,” and more); identifies “Gyb” as a conventional name for a cat; and explores international…
A Tale of Two Knights.
Item not seen. WorldCat record indicates that "After Chaucer" follows the title on p. 6 of this volume--perhaps indicating a version of KnT.
Opowieśc Kanterberyjskie.
Item not seen. Publisher's website indicates that this is the an "edition of the first complete translation [into Polish] of 'The Canterbury Tales'" [rugie wydanie pierwszego kompletnego przekładu "Opowieści kanterberyjskich"].
Opowieść Młynarza [The Miller's Tale]
Item not seen. The journal's website supplies tables of contents, indicating that this is a translation of MilT into Polish.
The Canterbury Tales.
Whyte's woodcut illustrations adorn the endpapers and text of Coghill's modernization (published originally by Penguin, 1951, often reprinted).
Allas, Myn Hertes Queene: For Male Chorus, a Cappella.
Item not seen. WorldCat record indicates this is a printed reproduction for rehearsal, for four male voices. Evidently a musical setting for KnT 1.2775ff.
Chaucer's "O Sentence" in the "Hous of Fame."
Maintains that Chaucer indicates that there is a "single theme" in HF, arguing that "Distrust of worldly felicity . . . is Chaucer's 'o sentence'," and hypothesizing that the poem "was written for a New Year's entertainment." Cites several…
English Medieval Literature and Its Social Foundations.
Surveys the literatures of medieval England, with emphasis on origins, multilingualism, feudalism, developmental transitions, dominant themes, and social, political, and religious contexts. Includes chapters on the contemporaries of Chaucer,…
Beowulf-Chaucer: Selections from Beowulf and Chaucer.
Item not seen. WorldCat records indicate that these readings were released in LP recording and/or cassette tape recurrently by Whitlock's, Educational Audio Visual, and Lexington Records with slightly varied titles. The selections from Chaucer, read…
Kantaberī Monogatari Purorōgu. [Canterbury Tales Prologue].
Item not seen. WorldCat records indicate that this volume includes GP, with an introduction and notes. In Japanese.
Chaucer's Double Consonants and the Final E.
Describes grammatical and metrical conditions that restrict or encourage pronunciation of final -e at the end of lines in Chaucer's verse. Introduces double-consonant rhymes as a previously unnoticed factor in these concerns, explores their…