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Ensley, Mimi.   Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Notre Dame, 2019. Dissertation Abstracts International A81.09(E). Fully accessible via ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (last accessed March 31, 2025).
Includes recurrent comments on early modern reception of Chaucer and his status as a laureate poet, with focused attention on the spurious attribution to Chaucer of the romance "Kynge Rycharde cuer du lyon" found in an annotation to the work in the…

Elmes, Melissa Ridley.   Ph.D. Dissertation. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2016. Dissertation Abstracts International A77.11(E). Fully accessible via ProQuest Dissertations & Theses and at
From Elmes's abstract: "Making use of theoretical underpinnings from anthropology and history that characterize the feast as a culturally essential event and medieval violence as a rational and strategically-employed tool of constraint, coercion, and…

Turner, Marion.   Turner, Marion. Urban Chaucer: Fragmented Fellowships and Troubled Teleologies in Some Late Fourteenth-Century Texts. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Oxford, 2002. Dissertation Abstracts International C70.03. Abstract available via ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.
"This thesis examines the depiction of social antagonism in certain texts written in the 1380s and 1390s, in the London area. It focuses on Chaucer, looking at 'Troilus and Criseyde' and the 'Canterbury Tales' alongside other, contemporary texts.…

Jackson, Shirley.   New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1958.
A novel of family tensions, centering on death, possessiveness, and the legacy of a household estate. A central image is the sundial of the title, on display in the family library. Inscribed on the sundial is a half-line quotation of KnT 1.2777:…

McDuffie, Isaac   Ph.D. Dissertation. Louisiana State University, 2017.
Freely accessible at; accessed February 5, 2025.
Argues that Chaucer's works "reflect an increasing awareness of the fragility of the author's implied voice and the dangers of misprision in a listening reception," largely an effect of the rise of English as a written language and tensions between…

Heartfield, Kate.   [California]: Choice of Games, 2018.
Item not seen. The WorldCat record indicates that this “continually updated,” interactive historical novel involves Chaucer and Philippa de Roet on a pilgrimage to Canterbury, with the reader joining the pilgrimage and helping to shape the plot.

Wilson, Herman Pledger.   Dissertation Abstracts 16.11 (1956): 2154.
Identifies the "characteristics" of Chaucer's prose style in Bo, Mel, ParT, and Astr, comparing and contrasting them, and arguing that his reputation as a prose stylist has suffered because of linguistic changes and changes in taste.

Tornwall, William Allen.   Dissertation Abstracts 16.09 (1956): 1676.
Ranges throughout Chaucer's corpus, exploring imagery in a wide variety of works, arranged in five chapters: "Chaucer's Imagery and the Colors of Rhetoric," "The Appropriateness of the Subject Matter in Chaucer's Imagery," "Chaucer's Treatment of…

Schless, Howard H.   Dissertation Abstracts 16.09 (1956): 1675.
Comments on Chaucer's possible access to Dante's works before traveling to Italy in 1372, and explores the "literary relationship of the two writers," arguing that "Chaucer drew on Dante not heavily but over many years," principally for the Ugolino…

Kleinstück, Johannes Walter.   Hamburg: Cram, de Gruyter & Co., 1956.
Surveys courtly virtues in Chaucer ("courtoisie," "franchise," "gentillesse," "honour," "joie," "pitie," etc.) and the vices which are grounded in pride and the pursuits of fortune. Focuses on KnT when examining the virtues and on the fabliaux for…

Hazelton, Richard Marquard.   Dissertation Abstracts 16 (1956)
Edits "two glossed texts" of the "Disticha Catonis," constructed for use by students of Chaucer, Langland, and Gower. The Introduction juxtaposes passages from their poetry with "Catonian materials" to indicate the "poets' indebtedness" to the text…

Bazire, Joyce.   Year's Work in English Studies 35 (1956): 55-66.
A discursive review of Chaucerian scholarship and research published in 1954 divided into four sections: General, CT, TC, and Other Works.

Thompson, Louis Felsinger.   Dissertation Abstracts 20.05 (1959): 1771.
Compares TC with Boccaccio's "Filostrato," arguing that Chaucer "adapted more portions" of it "than has previously been noticed," subordinating formulas, conventions, thematic concerns, and moral concerns to artful construction and "psychological…

Olson, Paul A.   Dissertation Abstracts 19.10 (1959): 2603.
Places the medieval "Jaloux tale" in "its philosophic and historical framework," rooted in the marriage controversies of Sts. Augustine and Jerome with the Pelagians, Manichee, and Jovinians Traces the tradition in French humanists of the twelfth and…

McKay, Eleanor Maxine.   Dissertation Abstracts 19.10 (1959): 2615-16.
Aligns Chaucer's style, themes, and characterization in TC with Renaissance humanism more than with medieval conventions, genres, and rhetoric, arguing that the poem anticipates the "poetry of Shakespeare's century" in its fusing realism, epic, and…

Hertz, John Atlee.   Dissertation Abstracts 19.10 (1959): 2600-01.
Addresses "source relationships of geographical matters" in Chaucer. Chaucer's cosmography and its sources, and other "geographical matters," arguing that Chaucer "makes more frequent use of geography than do most of his contemporaries." Focuses on…

Ussery, Huling Eakin, Jr.   Dissertation Abstracts International 24.06 (1963): 2491.
Studies "historical background" to Chaucer's Monk, Clerk, and Physician, comparing their characterizations with historical personages. Argues that the Monk is "probably either Benedictine or Cistercian," and "primarily realistic" rather than satiric.…

Richardson, Lilla Janette.   Dissertation Abstracts International 24.03 (1963): 1176.
Shows that Chaucer uses "rhetorical figures . . . [to] produce imagery," analyzing the "use of imagery" in FrT, RvT, ShT, MerT, and MilT—in comparison with sources, where available—and focusing on how he uses imagery to create ironic effects…

Pręczkowska, Helena, trans.   Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich – Wydawnictwo, 1963.
Item not seen. WorldCat records indicate that Margaret Schlauch wrote an Introduction and that Witold Chwalewik edited the commentary in this Polish translation of selections from CT.

Newman, Barbara.   Chaucer Review 26.4 (1992): 411-23.
Offers perspective on affiliations of Elizabeth and Alice Chaucer with Barking Abbey; comments on cats in late-medieval literature (CT, “Piers Plowman,” and more); identifies “Gyb” as a conventional name for a cat; and explores international…

Watson, John.   Port Adelaide, South Australia: Picaro Press, 2021.
Item not seen. WorldCat record indicates that "After Chaucer" follows the title on p. 6 of this volume--perhaps indicating a version of KnT.

Zawadzki, Jarek, trans.
Maciej Sieńczyk, illus.  
Katowice: Biblioteka Śląska, 2021.
Item not seen. Publisher's website indicates that this is the an "edition of the first complete translation [into Polish] of 'The Canterbury Tales'" [rugie wydanie pierwszego kompletnego przekładu "Opowieści kanterberyjskich"].

Zawadzki, Jaroslaw, trans.   Literatura na Świecie, nos. 11-12 (2020): 48-74.
Item not seen. The journal's website supplies tables of contents, indicating that this is a translation of MilT into Polish.

Whyte, Edna, illus.
Coghill, Nevill, trans.
London: Folio Society, 1956. 2d ed. 1974.
Whyte's woodcut illustrations adorn the endpapers and text of Coghill's modernization (published originally by Penguin, 1951, often reprinted).

Trimble, Lester., composer.   No publisher indicated, 1956.
Item not seen. WorldCat record indicates this is a printed reproduction for rehearsal, for four male voices. Evidently a musical setting for KnT 1.2775ff.
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