Chaucers Stellung in der Mittelalterlichen Literatur.
- Author / Editor
- Kleinstück, Johannes Walter.
Chaucers Stellung in der Mittelalterlichen Literatur.
- Published
- Hamburg: Cram, de Gruyter & Co., 1956.
- Physical Description
- 159 pp.
- Series
- Britannica et Americana, no. 1.
- Description
- Surveys courtly virtues in Chaucer ("courtoisie," "franchise," "gentillesse," "honour," "joie," "pitie," etc.) and the vices which are grounded in pride and the pursuits of fortune. Focuses on KnT when examining the virtues and on the fabliaux for the vices, recurrently comparing Chaucer's materials with their sources. Includes a survey of courtliness in high medieval literature and a comparison of Chaucer's courtliness, humor, and humanness and those of later English writers up to and including Dickens.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Background and General Criticism
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Knight and His Tale