Studies in Chaucer's Imagery.
- Author / Editor
- Tornwall, William Allen.
Studies in Chaucer's Imagery.
- Published
- Dissertation Abstracts 16.09 (1956): 1676.
- Physical Description
- Ph. D. Dissertation. Louisiana State University, 1956.
- Description
- Ranges throughout Chaucer's corpus, exploring imagery in a wide variety of works, arranged in five chapters: "Chaucer's Imagery and the Colors of Rhetoric," "The Appropriateness of the Subject Matter in Chaucer's Imagery," "Chaucer's Treatment of Derived Imagery," "The Imagery of Chaucer's Portraits," and "Chaucer's Attitude Toward Imagery."
- Chaucer Subjects
- Style and Versification
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations