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Lambert, John.   London: Chester, 1956. J.W.C. 4056. Rpt. NY: Lyra Music, 1978.
Item not seen. WorldCat records indicate this printed musical score includes settings for poetry by Chaucer, Myles Pinkney, St. Teresa of Jesus, and Richard Verstegan (Rowlands), with printed lyrics. An online reprint of page 1 shows the Chaucer…

British Library.   London: British Library, n.d.
Four connected webpages that introduce Chaucer's language by focusing on the pronunciation and vocabulary of the GP descriptions of the Cook and Shipman, with an audio link, an image from Caxton's first edition, and exercises in vocabulary…

British Library.   London: British Library, n.d.
Digital reproduction of William Caxton's two editions of CT that enables onscreen comparison of them, with links to background information on Caxton and print history.

Delahoyde, Michael.   [Pullman]: Washington State University, n.d.
Pedagogical website that focuses on CT but includes internal links to descriptions of Chaucer's other works and to background information. Individual webpages provide descriptions of the Tales that comment on themes and critical issues, accompanied…

Wilks, Michael.   Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 44 (1962): 489-530.
Traces in biblical, classical, and political sources the development of the idea that the Pope and other rulers gain sovereignty through "mystical marriage" to their respective institutions, arguing that WBT "bears a striking similarity to [this]…

Kökeritz, Helge.   New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961.
Introduces pronunciation of Chaucer's English, offering a series of general rules, explained in relationship to Modern English, both "British and American" and designed for "teachers and students." Also includes transcriptions of nine passages in…

Pope, John Collins, and Helge Kökeritz, readers.   New Haven, CT: Whitlock's, 1954.
Item not seen. WorldCat records indicate that these readings were released in LP recording and/or cassette tape recurrently by Whitlock's, Educational Audio Visual, and Lexington Records with slightly varied titles. The selections from Chaucer, read…

Coghill, Nevill.   D. S. Brewer, ed. Chaucer and Chaucerians: Critical Studies in Middle English Literature (University: University of Alabama Press; London: Nelson, 1966), pp. 114-39.
Describes Chaucer's rhetoric and style in CT, exploring his orchestration of narrative economy, climax, pace (especially in relation to rhyme and meter), and verisimilitude, Identifies "flaws" in SumT and PhyT, and admires the symbolic…

Smyser, H. M.   Speculum 31 (1956): 297-315.
Reconstructs the layout and functions of the rooms and gardens of the households in TC, drawing on details in the poem and evidence from fourteenth-century English architecture, with connections to correlative structures and scenes elsewhere in…

Ueno, Naozo.   [Folcroft, PA]: Folcroft Press, 1969. Reprinted from Kyoto: Doshisha University, 1956.
Focuses on TC as an example of Chaucer's outlook during his "Italian period," charting his borrowings and "digressions" from Boccaccio's "Il Filostrato." the influence of Boethius, and courtly love. Describes the attitudes toward Fortune of the major…

Schlauch, Margaret.   New York: Cooper Square, 1971. Originally published in Warsaw: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1956.
Surveys the literatures of medieval England, with emphasis on origins, multilingualism, feudalism, developmental transitions, dominant themes, and social, political, and religious contexts. Includes chapters on the contemporaries of Chaucer,…

Whyte, Edna, illus.
Coghill, Nevill, trans.
London: Folio Society, 1956. 2d ed. 1974.
Whyte's woodcut illustrations adorn the endpapers and text of Coghill's modernization (published originally by Penguin, 1951, often reprinted).

Jelliffe, Robert Archibald.   [Tokyo]: Hokuseido, 1956. Rpt. Norwood, PA: Norwood Editions, 1975.
Praises the art and skill of Chaucer's adaptations of sources and literary conventions in creating TC, comparing and contrasting the plot and characterizations of the work with those of a full range of its "literary progenitors" and exploring…

Coghill, Nevill.   London and New York: Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green, 1956.
Influential biographical discussion of Chaucer as the "first poet" of England "in the high culture of Europe," and the "most courteous to those who read or listen to him." Considers Chaucer's individual works in light of his life, medieval literary…

Aiken, Pauline   Studies in Philology 53 (1956): 22-24.
Adduces Vincent of Beauvais' "Speculum Doctrinale" to support reading "houres" in Chaucer's description of the Physician (GP 1.416) as a plural of "the technical Latin term for each stage of the development of a disease."

Alderson, William L.   Modern Language Notes 71.3 (1956): 166-67.
Comments on two 1954 publications (by John Owen and Philip Williams respectively) that pertain to Chaucer allusions, observing that both had been previously noticed and that the latter failed to identify a so-called "saying of Chaucer" as a refrain…

Allen, Robert J.   Journal of English and Germanic Philology 55 (1956): 393-405.
Argues that themes of the "nature of literary art" and "the material with which the literary artist deals" unify the HF: the opening of the poem focuses on how "literary artist's imagination finds expression"; the eagle articulates an intellectual…

Appleman, Philip.   College English 18.3 (1956): 168-69.
Identifies and summarizes a close, modern analogue of ShT, written by Shelby Foote and published in "The Nugget" (November, 1955); comments on the oral transmission described by Foote in an interview and points outs several modern emphases.

Appleman, Philip.   Notes and Queries 201 (1956): 372-73.
Objects to Robert L. Chapman’s argument that the ShT was originally intended for the Shipman, not the Wife Bath, comparing Chaucer's tale with Boccaccio's "Decameron" 8.1 as examples of the "Lover's Gift Regained" motif, and showing that Chaucer's…

Baum, Paull F.   PMLA 71 (1956): 225-46.
Recounts the scholarly tally of puns in Chaucer, locates the device in rhetorical tradition, and clarifies its wide range of stylistic effects. Then provides an alphabetical list of puns in Chaucer's works (more than 100), both previously known…

Bowen, Robert O.   Modern Language Notes 71.3 (1956): 165.
Connects the Clerk's uses of "heigh style/stile" in ClP 4.18 and 41 rather than reading the latter as a mistranslation of Petrarch "stylo alio" as stylo alto."

Bowen, Robert O.   Modern Language Notes 71.3 (1956): 165.
Suggests that Chaucer's dismissive reference to incest in MLP 77ff. alludes not to Gower's "Confessio Amantis" but to his own hesitation in writing a version of the "well known folk tale of the Incestuous Father," hesitating "on grounds of taste to…

Bradley, Sister Ritamary, C. H. M.   Journal of English and Germanic Philology 55 (1956): 324-30.
Comments on how "the medieval mirror and wisdom metaphor is utilized" in WBP and helps to characterize the Wife, ironically, as a figure of comic "worldly prudence" rather than true wisdom. Cites other examples from CT of ironic characterization…

Candelaria, Frederick H.   Modern Language Notes. 71.5 (1956): 321-22.
Suggests that the portentous oak of PardT 6.765 (no species mentioned in analogues) gains dimension in light of Chaucer having been robbed at a "fowle oak" in Kent in 1390, and also suggests, therefore, that Chaucer must have been written PardT after…

Chapman, Robert L.   Modern Language Notes 71.1 (1956): 4-5.
Challenges claims that the first-person feminine pronouns of ShT 7.11-19 indicate that the tale was originally intended to be told by the Wife of Bath, reading the lines as if they were presented in a "miming male" voice, and suggesting that the tale…
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