Chaucer's Narrative Art in "The Canterbury Tales."

Author / Editor
Coghill, Nevill.

Chaucer's Narrative Art in "The Canterbury Tales."

D. S. Brewer, ed. Chaucer and Chaucerians: Critical Studies in Middle English Literature (University: University of Alabama Press; London: Nelson, 1966), pp. 114-39.

Describes Chaucer's rhetoric and style in CT, exploring his orchestration of narrative economy, climax, pace (especially in relation to rhyme and meter), and verisimilitude, Identifies "flaws" in SumT and PhyT, and admires the symbolic characterizations of KnT, MilT as farce, MerT as arch irony, and ManT as a critique of court. Also comments on Chaucer's extensive use the "Possessive Demonstrative" (e.g., "this Palamon") as a device for engaging his audience.

Alternative Title
Chaucer and Chaucerians

Chaucer Subjects
Style and Versification
Language and Word Studies
Summoner and His Tale
Physician and His Tale
Knight and His Tale
Miller and His Tale
Merchant and His Tale
Manciple and His Tale