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Jones, Mike Rodman.  
Isabel Davis and Catherine Nall, eds. Chaucer and Fame: Reputation and Reception (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2015), pp. 165-84.
Exemplifies the variety of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century versions of Chaucer, which reflects he "fragmentation, diversity, and complexity" of the English Reformation itself. Discusses Chaucer as an authority figure in the writings of polemical…

Oka, Saburo.   Yuichiro Azuma, Kotaro Kawasaki, and Koichi Kano, eds. Chaucer and English and American Literature: Essays Commemorating the Retirement of Professor Masatoshi Kawasaki (Tokyo: Kinseido, 2015), pp. 3-19.
Begins with attempts to position Chaucer, TC, and the reading subject (the author himself ), and reads the Prologue and Epilogue of TC in literary, historical, and anthropological terms. In Japanese.

Wimsatt, James I.   Medium Aevum 36.3 (1967): 231-41.
Focusing on the exemplum of Ceyx and Alcyone in BD, illustrates Chaucer's "early use of multiple sources in close alternating sequence," discussing source relations with Machaut, Froissart, Virgil, Ovid, Statius, the "Ovide Moralise," and the "Roman…

Bushnell, Rebecca, ed.   Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021.
Anthologizes a wide variety of selections from classical, biblical, medieval, and early modern literatures in a "companion to literary or cultural study of premodern ecological concerns." Includes two samples from Chaucer: a conflation of portions of…

Smith, James L., ed.   .[Santa Barbara, Calif.]: Punctum, 2017.
Offers six essays that treat medieval texts "as transit systems in which we can glimpse the mobility of objects, figures, mentalities, tropes and other 'matter' in vibrant intermediate networks." For three essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for…

Sarno, Ronald A.   .Classical Folia 21 (1967): 41-61.
Argues that Chaucer's "main contribution to English satire" is the "reunification" of "Horace's gentleness, Juvenal's verve, and St. Jerome's moral vision," augmented by his "facile use of the double-entendre" and "his own special combination of…

Otal Campo, Jose Luis.   "Actas del IV Congreso de AEDEAN." (Salamanca: Ed. de la Universidad de Salamanca, 1984), pp. 107-21.
The "illocutionary" system of the narration in CT is organized into six levels based on two criteria: direct communication between literary personae standing at the same illocutionary level and transferred communication between different levels.

Jimura, Akiyuki.   "Hito no Ie Kami no Ie" (Kyoto: Apollo-sha, 1987), pp. 5-43.

Dauby, Helene.   "Les couleurs au Moyen Age (Aix-en Provence: Universite de Provence, 1988), pp. 45-56.
Explores the semantic significance and connotations of colors used as important elements in GP character descriptions.

[Ruud, Jay, ed.]   [Aberdeen, South Dakota: Northern State University, 1989.]
Twenty-one papers on CT by various authors. For individual essays, search for Papers on the "Canterbury Tales": From the 1989 NEH Chaucer Institute under Alternative Title.

Berrozpe Peralta, Carlos.   [Albacete, Spain]: C. Berrozpe, 2006.
Includes a diachronic linguistic analysis—phonetic, orthographical, morphological, syntactical, lexical, and stylistic—of the description of the Reeve from GP. Traces elements backward to Old English and forward to Modern English.

Erol, Burçin, trans.   [Ankara]: Gündogan, 1993.
Item not seen. WorldCat records indicate this is a translation of GP into Turkish.

Valente, William, composer.   [Ann Arbor, Mich.]: [University Microfilms], 1968.
Item not seen. The WorldCat record indicates that this score is for four unaccompanied female voices, with duration of "about 4 min. 30 sec.", with "Text by Chaucer." and difficulty appropriate to "Advanced high school-college; difficult-moderately…

Marrani, Najiyah Ghafil.   [Baghdad]: al-Jumhuriyah al-`Iraqiyah, Wizarat al-Thaqafah wa-al-I`lam, Dar al-Rashid lil-Nashr : al-Dar al-Wataniyah lil-Tawzi` wa-al-I`lan, 1981.
Surveys the presence of Arabic culture in CT, focusing on the plots and sources of SqT and PardT, the frame-tale structure of CT, allusions to Arabic personages, and uses of words that derive from Arabic.

Luaces, Juan G. de, trans.   [Barcelona]: Salvat, 1971.
Item not seen.

Lester, Noel, piano.   [Baton Rouge, La.?]: Centaur Records, 2001.
Readings and musical performances of 36 pieces that pertain to cats, including a reading of a brief selection from ManT (9.175-80) in normalized English by Edward Crafts, accompanied by Noel Lester on piano.

Skelton, Logan.   [Baton Rouge, La.]: Centaur, 2003.
Performance of music composed by Logan Skelton, including "Chaucer Songs," a "set of six songs with a textless interlude" set to poems by Chaucer (from MercB, from Bal Compl, BD 1223-44, Purse, from Lady, and PF 680-92). Sung by Philip Frohnmayer;…

Képes, Júlia, trans.   [Budapest] : Kozmosz Könyvek, [1986].
Translation of TC into Hungarian. Item not seen; description from WorldCat.

Vajda, Miklós, and Ferencz Gyözö.   [Budapest]: Európa, 1987.
Translation of CT into Hungarian, with notes by Miklós Vajda and Gyözö Ferencz and an epilogue by Adám Nádasdy. Reprints the 1950 translation by a team of translators, in verse and prose: László Benjámin, Fodor András, Gábor Garai, Ágnes…

Wahba, Magdi, and Abdul Hamid Younis, trans.   [Cairo]: al-Hay'ah al-Misriyah al-'Ammah lil-Katib, 1983.
Arabic prose translation of CT.

Bryson, Michael, and Arpi Movsesian.   [Cambridge]: Open Books, 2017.
Surveys depictions of love, from the Bible to English Renaissance literature, exploring poetic representations of love and the effects of efforts to sublimate or suppress it. The section on Chaucer (pp. 280-94), labeled "Post-Fin'amor English…

National Council of Teachers of English. Committee on Historical Linguistics.   [Champaign, Ill.]: National Council of the Teachers of English, [1967].
Six pamphlets in a slip-folder, each individually paginated, and each summarizing the linguistic conditions and features of a work of English literature and offering pedagogical exercises in understanding the place of the work in linguistic history.…

Johnson, Paul.   [Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire]: [Paul Johnson], 2018.
Item not seen. The WorldCat record quotes an Exhibition guide [Bodleian Library]: MilT as "abridged to four pop-up spreads . . . also illustrates the four seasons and major festivals of the religious calendar. Each spread contains an envelope holding…

Osnabrug, Bert, trans. and illus.   [Doesburg]: Lalito, 2019.
Item not seen. WorldCat record indicates this translation of PF into Dutch is translated and illustrated by Bert Osnabrug, in a dual-language edition.

Egan, Desmond, and Eugene Waters.   [Dublin]: T. Fallons, 1972.
Item not seen. The WorldCat record indicates that this volume includes analysis of one or more works by Chaucer.
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