Aspects of Female Piety in the 'Prioress's Tale'

Author / Editor
Robertson, Elizabeth, ed.

Aspects of Female Piety in the 'Prioress's Tale'

C. David Benson and Elizabeth Robertson, eds. Chaucer's Religious Tales (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1990), pp. 145-60.

Robertson encourages feminist critics to confront "the complexities of the relationship between women and religion" in Chaucer's religious tales, for "what appear in these tales to be extremes of female suffering and violence against women are actually representations of positions of power and strength." Exploring connections between oppression of women and neglect of Christian values, PrT depicts "the nature of a specifically female religious voice."

Alternative Title
Chaucer's Religious Tales.

Chaucer Subjects
Prioress and Her Tale.