Parody : Critical Concepts Versus Literary Practices, Arstophanes to Sterne

Author / Editor
Dane, Joseph A.

Parody : Critical Concepts Versus Literary Practices, Arstophanes to Sterne

Norman and London : University of Oklahoma Press, 1988.

Physical Description
vii, 261 pp.

Proposing to assess "how our language of parody...acts to manipulate the literature it is intended to describe," Dane explores the relation of genre to politics. Part 4, "The Classification of Medieval Parody," contains a chapter, "The Eighteenth-Century Creation of Chaucerian Burlesque," that traces critical reception and influence of eighteenth-century notions on "modern critical discussions of Chaucerian parody," focusing on Th and SqT.

Chaucer Subjects
Squire and His Tale.
Tale of Sir Thopas.