'Your Praise is Performed by Men and Children' : Language and Gender in the 'Prioress's Prologue' and 'Tale'

Author / Editor
Ferster, Judith.

'Your Praise is Performed by Men and Children' : Language and Gender in the 'Prioress's Prologue' and 'Tale'

Exemplaria 2 (1990): 149-68.

Chaucer's PrT allows competing psychoanalytic readings from both feminine and masculine points of view, a conflict that mirrors the competition for predominance between male and female figures embedded within the text. These readings may be "theorized" by avoiding essentialist interpretations based on Chaucer's identity and gender. Perhaps Chaucer's ambivalence was a response to the debate concerning women's roles as religious speakers and celebrants in fourteenth-century England.

Chaucer Subjects
Prioress and Her Tale.