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Blandeau, Agnès.   Bulletin des Anglicistes Médiévistes 65: 191-35, 2004
Assesses Brian Helgeland's movie "A Knight's Tale" (2001), including its allusions to KnT and its inclusion of Chaucer as a character.

Calabrese, Michael A.   Laura C. Lambdin and Robert T. Lambdin, eds. Chaucer's Pilgrims: An Historical Guide to the Pilgrims in the "Canterbury Tales" (Westport, Conn.; and London: Greenwood, 1996), pp. 1-13.
Summarizes the medieval history of knighthood and its status in late-fourteenth-century England, exploring implications of details in the GP sketch of the Knight, especially those that relate to the "Crusading spirit" in its positive and negative…

Crosson, Chad G.   Chaucer Review 53.2 (2018): 213-34
Examines how Sted is a poem not only about political issues, but also about the relationship between the local and the universal.

Fisher, John H.   PMLA 107 (1992): 1168-80.
Argues that English became the official language of England in the fifteenth century as the result of "deliberate, official policy." Dissemination of Chaucer's works and those of his followers suggests that the poet was chosen as the "cynosure" of a…

Mooney, Linne R.   Chaucer Review 34 (2000): 344-49, 2000.
A copy of William Caxton's first edition of "Dictes or Sayeingis of the Philosophres" (1477) contains three hand-written poems on the flyleaf. One of these, Chaucer's Wom Unc, has been rewritten, perhaps by a woman, to suggest that men may be just as…

Ovitt, George,Jr.   Proceedings: 28th International Technical Communication Conference, May 20-23, 1981, Pittsburgh, Pa. ((N.p.): Society for Technical Communication, 1981), pp. E78-E81.
The problems Chaucer faced in describing the construction and use of the astrolabe were similar to today's problems in technical communication.

Robbins, Rossell Hope.   Chaucer Review 2.2 (1967): 135-137.
Identifies and transcribes an extended praise of Chaucer as a "pierles poet" (cast as a description of his burial site) found in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce MS 290 (90 (Bodl. SC 21864).

Benson, Larry D.   Ian Lancashire, ed. Computer-Based Chaucer Studies (Toronto: Centre for Computing in the Humanities, University of Toronto, 1993), pp. 141-60.
Describes the production of a computer-generated "glossarial concordance" to Chaucer in which meanings, variant spellings, and occurrences are presented; see Benson's "Glossarial Concordance." Describes the uses of such a concordance and the…

Oizumi, Akio.   Hildesheim, Zurich, and New York : Olms-Weidman, 2003.
A lemmatized concordance, arranged alphabetically, based on the text and corpus of The Riverside Chaucer. Each entry includes a headword, part of speech, references to standard dictionaries (MED, OED, and others), definitions, frequency of…

Oizumi, Akio.   Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Olms-Weidmann, 2008.
A two-volume lemmatized concordance to Bo, arranged alphabetically, based on The Riverside Chaucer. Each entry includes a headword, part of speech, references to standard dictionaries (MED, OED, and others), definitions, frequency of occurrence, a…

Copland, R. A.   N&Q 215 (1970): 45-46.
Offers linguistic evidence for construing GP 1.136 as "Decorously after her [i.e., the Prioress's] meal she belched."

Combs, Bruce Elmer.   DAI 30.11 (1970): 4963A.
Phonological/transformational investigation of multisyllabic rhymes, including discussion of the first 61 lines of BD and the role of final-'e.'

Aguirre Daban, Manuel.   Luis A. Lazaro Lafuente, Jose Simon, and Ricardo J. Sola Buil,eds. Medieval Studies: Proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature (Madrid: Universidad de Alcala de Henares, 1996), pp. 9-14.
Reexamines the meaning of "sovereignty," proposes that "The Wedding of Sir Gawen and Dame Ragnell" is a link between WBT and its ultimate Irish source, and reformulates the question of sources.

Wordsworth, Jonathan.   Medium Aevum 27 (1958): 21.
Identifies the rhetorical question in MilT 1.3747-49--unusual in low style--as a parody of those found in KnT 1.1414-16, 1970-71, and 2652-53.

Takamiya, Toshiyuki.   Ruth Morse and Barry Windeatt, eds. Chaucer Traditions: Studies in Honour of Derek Brewer (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990), pp. 263-68.
The list of Derek Brewer's writings that closes this volume reveals the range and energy of his interests: critical interpretation of Chaucer, editing of medieval texts, historical views of Chaucer's life and work, Chaucer as a narrative poet, and…

Keiper, Hugo.   Hugo Keiper, Richard J. Utz, and Cristoph Bode, eds. Nominalism and Literary Discourse: New Perspectives (Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, 1997), pp. 1-85.
Reexamines the correspondences between literary nominalism and realism as competing paradigms and analyzes critical approaches to the literary debate on universals in late-medieval (especially Chaucerian) and early modern literary studies.

Ida, Hideho.   Doshisha Global and Regional Studies Review 4 (2015): 45-65.
Points out lines of ClT not included in either of the Latin and French sources and considers the meanings of these additions by Chaucer. Argues that Walter is characterized as stricter in ClT, and discusses the narrator Clerk's position in relation…

Wrinkle, Johanna   San Antonio, Tex.: ECS Learning Systems, 1992.
A guide for teaching CT in the high school literature curriculum, with an emphasis on physiognomy and the humours. Includes introductory information and various assignments, tests, and activities.

Munoz G., Adrián.   Anuario de Letras Modernas 11 (2002-03): 47-52.
A fanciful conversion between Chaucer and the author about MilT, touching on questions of genre and theme. Chaucer's portion of the dialogue is in mock Middle English.

Sutherland, John.   New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013.
Surveys the history of literature "from the Epic of Gilgamesh to Harry Potter," including a chapter called "English Tales: Chaucer" (pp. 26-32) that summarizes Chaucer's life, TC, and CT, characterizing both poems as "supremely great" and…

Sutherland, John.   New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013.
Surveys the history of literature "from the Epic of Gilgamesh to Harry Potter," including a chapter called "English Tales: Chaucer" (pp. 26-32) that summarizes Chaucer's life, TC, and CT, characterizing both poems as "supremely great" and…

Carey, John.   New Haven: Yale University Press, 2020.
Presents a guide to the history of poetry, from ancient to contemporary times. Includes a chapter on Chaucer's oeuvre and his importance to poetry.

Gallick, Susan.   Speculum 50 (1975): 456-76.
Chaucer used elements of the formal features and conventions of medieval sermons to explore character and inter-personal relationships, examining the dynamics of preachers' interactions with their congregations and often parodying the imitative…

Weber, Diane Looms.   Dissertation Abstracts International 56 (1996): 3599A.
Since the fourteenth century can be seen as a distant mirror of postmodern culture, "Walter's abuse and Griselda's passive resignation" merit study in the light of twentieth-century psychological insights.

Severs, J. Burke.   Modern Language Notes 74 (1959): 193-98.
Compares Chaucer's version of Hermengyld's miracle in MLT 2.554-74 with analogous passages in Trevet's and Gower's versions of the Constance story, suggesting that one stanza is missing from Chaucer's account, perhaps due to scribal error.
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