A Further Note on Editorial Punctuation of the 'General Prologue,' ll. 12-16

Author / Editor
Klassen, Norman.

A Further Note on Editorial Punctuation of the 'General Prologue,' ll. 12-16

New Chaucer Society Newsletter 36.01 (2014): 4-5.

Notes that Liddell's 1901 and Pollard's 1903 editions of GP end line 13 with a full stop. This "aligns with the conclusions of Bernhard ten Brink and Otto Jespersen and solves a difficulty with the syntax that Julius Zupitza noted after 'serve' was correctly identified as 'ferne.' "

Chaucer Subjects
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations