Astrologija i književnost" [Astrology and Literature]

Author / Editor
Gordić Petković, Vladislava.

Astrologija i književnost" [Astrology and Literature]

Sarajevo Notebook 51 (2017): n.p. Available at (accessed January 20, 2020).

A shortened version of an essay from a two-volume work not seen: Ljiljana Banjanin, Persida Lazarević Di Giacomo, Sanja Roić, and Svetlana Šeatović, eds. Il SoleLuna presso gli slavi meridionali, 2 vols. (Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2017). Includes comments on the Wife of Bath's use of her horoscope as justification for her claims to sovereignty in marriage.

Alternative Title
Il SoleLuna presso gli slavi meridionali.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale