The Satiric Pattern of "The Canterbury Tales."

Author / Editor
Knox, Norman.

The Satiric Pattern of "The Canterbury Tales."

Austin Wright, foreward. Six Satirists (Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1965), pp, 17-34.

Explores relations between the literary-critical concepts of satire and irony (both verbal irony and situational or philosophic irony), identifying specific instances in PardT, GP, the juxtapositioning of tales and tellers, and more. Replete with ironies, narrated by the "eiron" Chaucer, and simultaneously fragmentary and unified, CT is satiric insofar as it clearly, although gently, asserts the moral norm that all human perspectives are limited.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
Pardoner and His Tale
Style and Versification