The Story of English.

Author / Editor
Pei, Mario.

The Story of English.

Philadelphia and New York: J. B. Lippencott, 1967.

Physical Description
viii, 430 pp.

A revised version of the 1952 publication, with largely revamped discussions of the "Geography of English" and "The American Language," with the latter standing alone in a new section. This revised edition expands the list of works consulted, the index, and the list of words and expressions discussed, but essentially follows the format and details of the original, with its divisions into The Past, The Present, and The Future. "The Chaucerian Era" (pp. 44-51; 52-59 in the original) emphasixes Chaucer's "modernistic tendencies," i.e., his innovations in a period of rapid change.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies