Not Yet: Chaucer and Anagogy.

Author / Editor
Simpson, James.

Not Yet: Chaucer and Anagogy.

Studies in the Age of Chaucer 37 (2015): 31-54.

Explores aspects of anagogical reading practices and their relations with social prediction and prophecy. Reformation readers perceived predestinarian and prophetic themes in spurious Chaucerian texts, although Chaucer himself seems to distrust prophecy and certainty about the future. However, PardT is prophetic "in a variety of ways," reflecting Chaucer's fears of civic disruption that he anticipated when contemplating the breakdown of the sacramental system of penance. Also comments on anagogy in Julian of Norwich, "Piers Plowman," and "Pearl."

Alternative Title
The Biennial Chaucer Lecture. The New Chaucer Society. Nineteenth International Congress, July 16–20, 2014. University of Iceland, Reykjavık.

Chaucer Subjects
Pardoner and His Tale
Chaucerian Apocrypha