Fragmentations of Medieval Religion: Thomas More, Chaucer, and the Volcano Lover

Author / Editor
Minnis, Alastair.

Fragmentations of Medieval Religion: Thomas More, Chaucer, and the Volcano Lover

Studies in the Age of Chaucer 37 (2015): 3–27.

Traces evidence of anatomical votive offerings, particularly genital renderings, in Roman practice, Reformation commentary, and modern accounts, presenting them as background to reading the Host's commentary on the Pardoner's cullions (PardT, 951–55). The Pardoner's genitalia are "imagined as a fecundating relic," with satiric implications.

Alternative Title
The Presidential Address. The New Chaucer Society. Nineteenth International Congress, July 16–20, 2014. University of Iceland, Reykjavık.

Chaucer Subjects
Pardoner and His Tale