Erscheinungsformen des Erzählers in Chaucers "Canterbury Tales."

Author / Editor
Mehl, Dieter.

Erscheinungsformen des Erzählers in Chaucers "Canterbury Tales."

Arno Esch, ed. Chaucer und Seine Zeit: Symposion für Walter F. Schirmer (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1968), pp. 189-206.

Illustrates the riches of Chaucer's narratorial techniques by considering the presence of the narrator in GP (focusing on the descriptions of the Prioress, Monk, and Friar), the assignment to him of Tho, the ironies of PardP and WBP, and the ways these devices engage their audiences.

Alternative Title
Chaucer und Seine Zeit.

Chaucer Subjects
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
Tale of Sir Thopas
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Pardoner and His TAle
Prioress and Her Tale
Monk and His Tale
Friar and His Tale