Chaucers "Squire's Tale": "The knotte of the tale."

Author / Editor
Göller, Karl Heinz.

Chaucers "Squire's Tale": "The knotte of the tale."

Arno Esch, ed. Chaucer und Seine Zeit: Symposion für Walter F. Schirmer (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1968), pp. 163-88.

Describes the sources of SqT and explores its relations with KnT and Anel, focusing on the narrator's clumsy concerns with the "knotte" or major point of the Tale and arguing that this and other shortcomings indicate ironically the Squire's naïve, impoverished view of love, chivalry, and human nature.

Alternative Title
Chaucer und Seine Zeit

Chaucer Subjects
Squire and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Knight and His Tale
Anelida and Arcite