'Listeth, Lordes' and 'Herkneth': Chaucer's Direct Address in 'The Tale of Sir Thopas'

Author / Editor
Hamada, Satomi.

'Listeth, Lordes' and 'Herkneth': Chaucer's Direct Address in 'The Tale of Sir Thopas'

St. Paul's English Review (Rikkyo University) 43 (2014): 1-20.

Investigates uses of the words of address "heren," "herken," "herknen," "listen," and "listenen" throughout CT to find out differences of usage among them. Points out the peculiarity in the choices of such words in Th and discusses Chaucer's intention in these choices, taking into account the issue of orality and literacy in late-medieval literary culture.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies
Tale of Sir Thopas