Is Geoffrey Chaucer's 'Tale of Sir Thopas' a Rape Narrative'? Reading Thopas in Light of the 1382 Statutes of Rape

Author / Editor
Bovaird-Abbo, Kristin.

Is Geoffrey Chaucer's 'Tale of Sir Thopas' a Rape Narrative'? Reading Thopas in Light of the 1382 Statutes of Rape

Quidditas 35 (2014): 8-28.

Th is told between PrT and Mel, two stories that feature violence. While Th is often read as an innocent parody of romance, there are suggestions of potential violence. In his encounter with the elf queen. Sir Thopas represents the threat against the female body and Sir Olifaunt actually functions as her protector.

Chaucer Subjects
Tale of Sir Thopas