Graftings, Reweavings and Interpretation: The Auchinleck Middle English Breton Lays in Manuscript and Edition

Author / Editor
Laskaya, Anne.

Graftings, Reweavings and Interpretation: The Auchinleck Middle English Breton Lays in Manuscript and Edition

Claire Vial, ed. 'Gode is the lay, swete is the note': Résonances dans les lais bretons moyen-anglais / Echoes in the Middle English Breton Lays (2014): n.p. (web publication).

Includes the argument that the material context of FranT must be considered as a relevant framework for reading Middle English Breton lays.

Alternative Title
'Gode is the lay, swete is the note': Résonances dans les lais bretons moyen-anglais / Echoes in the Middle English Breton Lays.

Chaucer Subjects
Franklin and His Tale