The Uses of Enchantment in The Franklin's Tale'

Author / Editor
Yvernault, Martine.

The Uses of Enchantment in The Franklin's Tale'

Claire Vial, ed. 'Gode is the lay, swete is the note': Résonances dans les lais bretons moyen-anglais / Echoes in the Middle English Breton Lays (2014): n.p. (web publication).

Although courtly love, magic, and supernatural situations make up the framework of FranT, the role played by binding agreements, contracts, and consent in the Tale alters the traditional definition of magic. Claims that fourteenth-century society was gradually turning toward techné and the role of the marvelous, one of the key components of romance.

Alternative Title
'Gode is the lay, swete is the note': Résonances dans les lais bretons moyen-anglais / Echoes in the Middle English Breton Lays.

Chaucer Subjects
Franklin and His Tale