Ecofeminist Subjectivities: Chaucer's Talking Birds

Author / Editor
Kordecki, Lesley.

Ecofeminist Subjectivities: Chaucer's Talking Birds

New York: Palgrave Mcmillan, 2011.

Physical Description
xv, 215 pp.

The New Middle Ages

Assuming a consistent narrative voice across the Chaucer canon, this study treats Chaucer's use of animal, specifically, avian, discourse as a means of exploring subjectivity. The author emphasizes the role of non-humans and women in "challenging identities and preconceptions," noting how investing these speakers with agency works to alter genre and gender assumptions. Chaucer's use of animal speakers reveals "his restless search for an authorial voice." Focuses on HF, PF, SqT, NPT, and ManT.

Chaucer Subjects
House of Fame
Parliament of Fowls
Squire and His Tale
Nun's Priest and His Tale
Manciple and His Tale