Reason and Imagination in Chaucer, the "Perle"-Poet, and the "Cloud"-Author: Seeing from the Center

Author / Editor
Holley, Linda Tarte.

Reason and Imagination in Chaucer, the "Perle"-Poet, and the "Cloud"-Author: Seeing from the Center

New York: Palgrave Mcmillan, 2011.

Physical Description
xvi, 184 pp.

The New Middle Ages

Building on recent studies related to space and epistemology, this study argues that Chaucer, as well as the "Pearl"-poet and author of "The Cloud of Unknowing," take a pedagogical stance in their writing and "proffer a space from which or by means of which the audience may see and understand." Knowledge through imagination, or analogy, works alongside knowledge via reason, or metaphor; in either case, understanding is predicated on measurement or motion. Focuses on NPT, HF, BD, and Astr.

Chaucer Subjects
Nun's Priest and His Tale
House of Fame
Book of the Duchess
Treatise on the Astrolabe