Kitaplarda Kadın Olmak: Chaucer Ve Ortaçağ İngiliz Edebiyatında Kadın Söyleminin Sorunsallığı [ Being a Woman in the Books: Chaucer and the Problem with the Discourse of Women in Medieval English Literature ]

Author / Editor
Reis, Huriye.

Kitaplarda Kadın Olmak: Chaucer Ve Ortaçağ İngiliz Edebiyatında Kadın Söyleminin Sorunsallığı [ Being a Woman in the Books: Chaucer and the Problem with the Discourse of Women in Medieval English Literature ]

Turkish Studies 4.1.1 (2009): 487-506.

In WBP and LGWP Chaucer "questions the truths literature develops about women"; he shows that medieval "knowledge about women is produced by a literature that serves the interests of the dominant," and, in doing so, undermines patriarchal discourse. In Turkish, with English and Turkish abstracts.

Alternative Title
"Being a Woman in the Books: Chaucer and the Problem with the Discourse of Women in Medieval English Literature."

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Legend of Good Women