Critical and Fictional Pairing

Author / Editor
Boenig, Robert.

Critical and Fictional Pairing

Bruce L. Edwards, ed. The Taste of Pineapple: Essays on C. S. Lewis as Reader, Critic, and Imaginative Writer (Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1988), pp. 138-48.

Reads C. S. Lewis's essay on TC, "What Chaucer Really Did to 'Il Filostrato'" (1932), as an index to how Lewis adapted H. G. Wells' novel "The First Men in the Moon" in his own "Out of the Silent Planet." Because of Chaucer's changes to Boccaccio's "Filostrato," we know that "in a real sense the subject" of TC "is Courtly Love." Similarly, Lewis's changes to Wells indicate that he was concerned with the theme of conversion.

Edwards, Bruce L., ed.

Alternative Title
The Taste of Pineapple: Essays on C. S. Lewis as Reader, Critic, and Imaginative Writer

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations