Chaucer's Tragic Romance: Imagining Voices in Troilus and Criseyde

Author / Editor
Gaylord, Alan.

Chaucer's Tragic Romance: Imagining Voices in Troilus and Criseyde

Publications of the Medieval Association of the Midwest 11 (2004): 1-25.

An extended example of "prosodic criticism," which comments on several passages of TC (1.1-21, 53-56, 99-133, 981-87, 1016-29; 2.109-47, 190-217, 309-28, 407-28, 443-48; and 3.1198-1211). Gaylord explains how Chaucer's poetry invites readers to be conscious of form and details, while compelling them to read "backwards" as well as "forwards" as they respond to the dexterous rhyme-royal stanzas, possibilities beyond editorial punctuation, implication, ambiguity, pronoun shift, and other aspects of imagined voices.

Alternative Title
The Plenary Address, 20th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Association of the Midwest.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.
Style and Versification.