Chaucer's Criseyde : The Betrayer Betrayed

Author / Editor
Howes, Laura L.

Chaucer's Criseyde : The Betrayer Betrayed

Robert M. Stein and Sandra Pierson Prior, eds. Reading Medieval Culture: Essays in Honor of Robert W. Hanning (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2005), pp. 321-43.

Chaucer presents Criseyde as a victim of several betrayals--by Calchas, by the Trojan parliament, by Pandarus, and by the narrator--and prompts the possibility of readers' betrayal of her as well. Obedient to her father but unfaithful to her lover, Criseyde is trapped between two opposed sets of expectations, social and literary, that shape our complex response.

Alternative Title
Reading Medieval Culture: Essays in Honor of Robert W. Hanning.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.