The Wife of Bath's Grandmother : or How Gilote Showed Her Friend Johane That the Wages of Sin Is Worldly Pleasure, and How Both Then Preached This Gospel Throughout England and Ireland

Author / Editor
Revard, Carter.

The Wife of Bath's Grandmother : or How Gilote Showed Her Friend Johane That the Wages of Sin Is Worldly Pleasure, and How Both Then Preached This Gospel Throughout England and Ireland

Chaucer Review 39 (2004): 117-36.

An Anglo-Norman piece in BL MS Harley 2253 copied about 1340 is analogous to WBP in tone, wit, and "outrageousness." Chaucer might have known this story of two women discussing the virtues of chastity versus sexual license. Includes text and translation.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations