(Re)creations of a Single Woman: Discursive Realms of the Wife of Bath

Author / Editor
Moore, Jeanie Grant.

(Re)creations of a Single Woman: Discursive Realms of the Wife of Bath

Laurel Amtower and Dorothea Kehler, eds. The Single Woman in Medieval and Early Modern England: Her Life and Representation (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2003), pp. 133-46.

As an often-married single woman, the Wife of Bath confronts and eludes the "binarisms that contained married women": married/not married, male/female, experience/authority, etc. In the fantasy of WBT, she succeeds partially in creating a "world of experience"-a theme of WBP-by establishing a link between herself as a single woman and the knight of her tale.

Alternative Title
Single Woman in Medieval and Early Modern England: Her Life and Representation

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.