Du Vivant à l'Image et Inversement

Author / Editor
Dauby, Hélène.

Du Vivant à l'Image et Inversement

Adrian Papahagi, ed. Métamorphoses (Paris: Association des Médiévistes Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur, 2003), pp. 183-95.

Dauby examines the transformations from living characters to artifacts and vice versa, the interplay between life and art. A comparative study of "Sir Degrevant," Lancelot, the Tristan legend, and poems by Chaucer leads to a typology of the metamorphoses into art: ornamental though relevant scenery, animated works of art, the retrieval of past experience, the intrusion of the future.

Alternative Title

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.