The Generation Gap in The Canterbury Tales

Author / Editor
Dauby, Hélène.

The Generation Gap in The Canterbury Tales

Wendy Harding, ed. Drama, Narrative and Poetry in The Canterbury Tales (Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2003), pp. 237-41.

Most of the pilgrims seem to be about the same age, but the problem of age is not ignored: e.g., old and young husbands (WBPT); the relationship between father and son (Knight and Squire, Franklin, Chauntecleer) or daughter (RvT); and the relationship between parents and children (CIT, MLT). Comparisons with Molière set off Chaucer's attitude.

Alternative Title
Drama, Narrative and Poetry in The Canterbury Tales.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales-General.