Uncharacterizable Entities : The Poetics of Middle English Scribal Culture and the Definitive Piers Plowman
- Author / Editor
- Galloway, Andrew.
Uncharacterizable Entities : The Poetics of Middle English Scribal Culture and the Definitive Piers Plowman
- Published
- Studies in Bibliography 52: 59-87, 1999.
- Description
- Reviews the theories and practices that underlie several works: George Russell and George Kane's edition of the C text of Piers Plowman (1997), Kane and Janet Cowen's edition of LGW (1995), Ralph Hanna's Pursuing History (1996), and A. V. C. Schmidt's parallel-text edition of Piers Plowman (1996). Schmidt differs from the others in his tendency toward "efficient and elegant" editorial solutions that demand less effort from the reader.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.
- Legend of Good Women.