The Denigration of John Lydgate: Implications of Printing History

Author / Editor
Dane, Joseph A., and Irene Basey Beesemyer.

The Denigration of John Lydgate: Implications of Printing History

English Studies 81: 117-26, 2000.

The printing history of Chaucer and Lydgate runs parallel until about 1540. After that, only the printing of Chaucer continues, although Lydgate's works are often included in editions of Chaucer or Chauceriana. The 1542 Statute "An Acte for thaduauncement of true Religion," in combination with Lydgate's reputation as the monk of Bury, appears to have caused the decline of his popularity.

Beesemyer, Irene Basey.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.