Credulity and the Rhetoric of Heterodoxy : From Averroes to Chaucer

Author / Editor
Grudin, Michaela Paasche.

Credulity and the Rhetoric of Heterodoxy : From Averroes to Chaucer

Chaucer Review 35: 204-22, 2000.

Investigates credulity as a feature of radical medieval thought (Marsilio of Padua, William of Ockham, John Wycliffe) and as depicted in Boccaccio and Chaucer. A creative artist rather than a philosopher or theologian, Chaucer uses various characters to open heterodoxy for discussion--e.g., the Wife of Bath, the friar of The SumT, and the Pardoner.

Chaucer Subjects
Pardoner and His Tale.
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Summoner and His Tale.