Sharing Story: Medieval Norse-English Literary Relationships

Author / Editor
Taylor, Paul Beekman.

Sharing Story: Medieval Norse-English Literary Relationships

New York: AMS Press, 1998.

Physical Description
281 pp.

AMS Studies in the Middle Ages, no. 25.

Seventeen essays by Taylor on the conjoining of Christian with native pagan thought in Norse and English medieval literary contexts.
Chapter 16, "Norse Story in 'The Canterbury Tales'" (pp. 233-44), discusses two folk-tale versions of Nordic mythological materials that appear in Chaucer. Part I of the chapter, "The Pardoner's Old Man and the One-eyed God," demonstrate the Old Man's similarities to the Odin tradition, while Part II, "The Wife of Bath and the Snowshoe Goddess," discusses Alisoun's indebtedness to the motifs of the Icelandic Skadi.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.
Pardoner and His Tale.
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.