Analyzing the Order of Items in Manuscripts of The Canterbury Tales

Author / Editor
Spencer, Matthew, Barbara Bordalejo, Li-San Wang, Adrian C. Barbrook, Linne R. Mooney, Peter Robinson, Tandy Warnow, and Christopher J. Howe

Analyzing the Order of Items in Manuscripts of The Canterbury Tales

Computers and the Humanities 37 (2003): 97-109.

Construction of a stemma for CT based on gene-order analysis supports the idea that there was no established order when the first manuscripts were written. The resulting stemma shows relationships predicted by earlier scholars, reveals new relationships, and shares features with a word-variation stemma.

Bordalejo, Barbara.
Wang, Li-San.
Barbrook, Adrian C.
Mooney, Linne R.
Robinson, Peter.
Warnow, Tandy.
Howe, Christopher J.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies.
Canterbury Tales--General.