Contradictory Responses to the Wife of Bath as Evidenced by Fifteenth-Century Manuscript Variants

Author / Editor
Kennedy, Beverly.

Contradictory Responses to the Wife of Bath as Evidenced by Fifteenth-Century Manuscript Variants

Norman Blake and Peter Robinson, eds. The Canterbury Tales Project Occasional Papers, Volume II (London: King's College, Office for Humanities Communications, 1997), pp. 23-39.

Argues that two distinct scribal attitudes toward the Wife of Bath can be perceived: a misogynous scholarly response typical of one manuscript family, and a more sympathetic popular response typical of another. Considers evidence from WBP, including spurious links, glosses, minor variants, and the "two major variants"--the renumbering of the Wife's husbands and the so-called added passages.

Alternative Title
The Canterbury Tales Project Occasional Papers, Volume II.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Manuscripts and Textual Studies.