Apprentice Janekyn/Clerk Jankyn: Discrete Phases in Chaucer's Developing Conception of the Wife of Bath

Author / Editor
Henebry, Charles W. M.

Apprentice Janekyn/Clerk Jankyn: Discrete Phases in Chaucer's Developing Conception of the Wife of Bath

Chaucer Review 32 (1997): 146-61.

Working through WBP at various points in his writing career, Chaucer conceived of changing the character "Janekyn" to make him "Jankyn," the Wife's fifth husband. Thus, the character changes from an apprentice to a scholar boarding with the Wife to a scholar boarding with her "gossip." The Jankyn passages reveal alterations in Chaucer's initial conception.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.