Sentence and Solaas: Thematic Development and Narrative Technique in the Canterbury Tales

Author / Editor
Sato, Tsutomu.

Sentence and Solaas: Thematic Development and Narrative Technique in the Canterbury Tales

Tokyo: Kobundo-Publishing Co., 1979.

The author investigates some of the ways in which Chaucer exploited the scheme of CT to enlighten us about the nature of the art of narrative, and demonstrates some of the modern senses in which the poet dramatized the medieval pilgrims with reference to both fictional and real characters, and represented to us an eternal human comedy.
The author especially pays attention to a full understanding of the pilgrim-tale relationship which affords the fundamental dramatic principle of CT. At the same time he fixes his attention on the invention of Chaucer the pilgrim-narrator who tells the whole Canterbury event as persona of Chaucer, the poet, who has created the total poetic structure, the various elements of narration, and the narrative technique.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.