Troilus and Criseyde: A Facsimile of Corpus Christi College Cambridge MS 61

Author / Editor
Parkes, Malcolm, and Elizabeth Salter, intro.

Troilus and Criseyde: A Facsimile of Corpus Christi College Cambridge MS 61

Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1978.

Physical Description
368 pp.

Variorum Chaucer Facsimile Series.

Written in the early fifteenth centruy, the Corpus Christi TC,one of the sixteen manuscripts of the poem, is probably the earliest extant copy of TC. Parkes gives a paleographical description of the manuscript; Salter, an iconographical study of the famous full-color illustration contained in the manuscript. Includes bibliographical references.
A facsimile.

Salter, Elizabeth, intro.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.