Poetical Works: A Facsimile of Cambridge Library MS GG.4.27

Author / Editor
Parkes, Malcolm, and Richard Beadle, intro.

Poetical Works: A Facsimile of Cambridge Library MS GG.4.27

Norman, Okla.: Pilgrim Books; Suffolk: Boydell and Brewer, 1981.

Physical Description
3 vols. 1034 pp.; color plates.

Variorum Chaucer Facsimile Series.

Among the earliest of the Chaucer manuscripts, Cambridge Library Gg.4.27, once lavishly illustrated but now mutilated, is nevertheless the most nearly complete and one of the most reliable of Chaucer manuscripts.
Vol. 1 contains the minor poems, TC, and a large part of CT;vol. 2. the remainder of CT; and vol. 3, LGW, PF, Lydgate's "Temple of Glas," color plates, and studies by Parkes and Beadle on the manuscript and illuminations.

Beadle, Richard, intro.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.