The Cardigan Chaucer: A Witness to the Manuscript and Textual History of the 'Canterbury Tales'

Author / Editor
Mosser, Daniel W.

The Cardigan Chaucer: A Witness to the Manuscript and Textual History of the 'Canterbury Tales'

Library Chronicle, n.s., 41 (1987): 82-111.

Examines the significance of the Cardigan Chaucer MS as a witness to the development of Chaucer's text after his death. Following the example of his predecessors, the Cardigan editor enhanced the appearance of the layout and text to make it seem more "finished."
Modern editions, which also adhere to these practices, do not accurately record Chaucer's CT but rather reflect a work begun by him and "finished" by subsequent editors and scribes.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies.