The Value of Editing the 'Clerk's Tale' for the 'Variorum Chaucer'

Author / Editor
Morse, Charlotte C.

The Value of Editing the 'Clerk's Tale' for the 'Variorum Chaucer'

Derek Pearsall, ed. Manuscripts and Texts (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1987), pp. 122-29.

Reviews the development of CT editing from 1960 onward. The "Variorum is designed to control and reassess secondary literature and to test Manly-Rickert (very reliable). Rejects Manly-Rickert's theory of early versions of CT and ClT. Reviews editorial theories of the development of ClT.

Alternative Title
Manuscripts and Texts.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies.
Clerk and His Tale.