Now Through a Glass Darkly: Specular Images of Being and Knowing from Virgil to Chaucer

Author / Editor
Nolan, Edward Peter.

Now Through a Glass Darkly: Specular Images of Being and Knowing from Virgil to Chaucer

Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 1990.

Physical Description
xii, 1990.

Studies the figure of the Pauline paradigm "videmus nunc per speculum in aenigmate" (1 Cor. 13.12) in Western ontology and epistemology, examining "the functions of intra- as well as intertextual literary mirroring" (Virgil's use of Homer, Chaucer's of Dante).
Also explores mirror imagery in Ovid, Augustine, and certain medieval writers and considers the God-human "imago dei" figure, "the mirroring capability of the texts, people, and history." Examines figures of Daedalus, Orpheus, Narcissus, Dante's Francesca, and "the speculum of the Logos: Latin in Dante and Langland."
See also Nolan's "Knocking the Mary out of the Bones: Chaucer's Ethical Mirrors of Dante."

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.