Empowering New Discourse: Response to Eugene Vance and Hope Weissman
- Author / Editor
- Nichols, Stephen G.
Empowering New Discourse: Response to Eugene Vance and Hope Weissman
- Published
- Exemplaria 2 (1990): 127-47.
- Description
- Vance's concept of "power semantics" articulates how Chaucer uses transgressive exempla--"meta-examples which confound expectations"--to pit the discourse of medieval history against itself in PardT, predicating a literal critique of medieval culture and social institutions.
- Weissman's concern with the rhetorical "gaze" prompts a reexamination of the problematic relationship between medieval visual imagery and the rhetorical figure "ekphrasis" in de Lorris's "Romance of the Rose," the GP description of the Prioress, and MilT's Alison.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Pardoner and His Tale.
- General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.
- Miller and His Tale.
- Background and General Criticism.