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Utz, Richard.   Joanne Parker and Corinna Wagner, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Victorian Medievalism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020), pp. 189-201.
Traces the "growing fascination" with Chaucer, his language, and his works in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, linking it with the cultural imagining of Chaucer "as a predecessor to" Victorian "preferred aesthetics, ideologies, and…

Toswell, M. J., and Anna Czarnowus, eds.   Cambridge: Brewer, 2020.
Collection of essays exploring the origins, development, and "manifestation of medievalism in Canadian literature." For three essays pertaining to Chaucer, search for Medievalism in English Canadian Literature under Alternative Title.

Toswell, M. J.   M. J. Toswell and Anna Czarnowus, eds. Medievalism in English Canadian Literature: From Richardson to Atwood (Cambridge: Brewer, 2020], no. 93), pp. 113-28.
Shows that in his writing and public persona, Earle Birney "engages in a conscious and self-conscious effort to make himself a public poet for Canada, using Chaucer's role as the father of English poetry as a model" and echoing Chaucer’s stylistic…

Ruszkiewicz, Dominika.   M. J. Toswell and Anna Czarnowus, eds. Medievalism in English Canadian Literature: From Richardson to Atwood (Cambridge: Brewer, 2020.), pp. 129-42
Comments on several "manifestation[s] of the medieval" in the writings of Margaret Atwood, focusing on her "response to the patriarchal standards and conventions of the courtly tradition." Identifies connections with Chaucer's motif of "enditynge,"…

Rushton, Cory James.   M. J. Toswell and Anna Czarnowus, eds. Medievalism in English Canadian Literature: From Richardson to Atwood (Cambridge: Brewer, 2020), pp. 143-54.
Maintains that Pearson's novel for juvenile readers "A Perfect, Gentle Knight" (2007) "earns the quotation that provides its title" from GP, 73, identifying echoes of the father–son relationship of Chaucer’s Knight and Squire, even though the novel…

Rupp, Jan.   Anglisik: International Journal of English Studies 31.2 (2020): 35–51.
Comments on the role of refugee literature in the "shifting contexts of [literary] canonisation" and then explores "the role of Chaucer in 21st-century refugee writing," focusing on aspects of CT (especially MLT) that resonate in Patience Agbabi’s…

Rupp, Jan.   REAL: The Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 36 (2020): 219-37.
Describes uses of "iconic extant narratives" in twenty-first-century refugee writing, using CT as a "key and core example," and focusing on how it adds "to the ethical potential" of three volumes of "Refugee Tales" (2016, 2018, and 2019) edited by…

Ramachandran, Ayesha.   Modern Language Notes 135 (2020): 1094-1107.
Explores references and allusions to Chaucer (SqT and KnT), Ariosto, and Boiardo in Spenser's "densely self-reflective meta-critical mediation" on national and international poetic influences in Book IV of his "Faerie Queene." Focuses on the…

Perry, R. D., and Mary-Jo Arn, eds.   Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2020. .
Collects ten essays by various authors and an introduction by Perry, together showing that, in his "Fortunes Stabilnes," Charles d’Orléans was "one of the great formal innovators of English poetry," examining the genres he engaged, his metrical…

Olson, Paul A.   Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England 33 (2020): 89–117.
Examines views of monarchy and Catholic/Protestant conflicts in Shakespeare's "second tetralogy," plays set during and soon after Chaucer's lifetime. Includes discussion of Falstaff as a figure viewed "through the lens of Chaucer’s time"—a figure of…

Mason, Wendy.   [n.p.]: Conrad Press, 2020.
Fictional account of twenty-one Australian tourists telling self-disclosing stories, modeled on CT, with many echoes, e.g., character-names such as Tony Knight, Giles Sumner, Barbara Bath, etc.

Legg, Jeni.   Dissertation Abstracts International A82.03(E) (2020): n.p.
Assesses aspects of translation theory and presents a translation of Shin Jae Hyo's version of the "p’ansori Shimcheongga," “rendered in the form of an estranging dialogue with Geoffrey Chaucer . . . in order to interrupt the mechanical forms that…

Galloway, Andrew.   Andrew J. Power, ed. The Birth and Death of the Author: A Multi-Authored History of Authorship in Print (New York: Routledge, 2020), pp. 32–53; 2 illus.
Explores nuances in the tradition of attributing paternal authority to Chaucer as a poet, focusing on Thoreau, Hoccleve, and Lydgate, and disclosing differing ways in which they represent his authority and appropriate it to assert their own…

Cressler, Loren.   Modern Language Quarterly 81.3 (2020): 319-47.
Assesses Theseus of LGW as a "superlative of falseness," arguing that the figure, more so than the Theseus of KnT or its classical precedents, influenced Marlowe and Nash'’s "Dido, Queen of Carthage" and, subsequently, Shakespeare's "A Midsummer…

Al-Hariri of Basra.
Cooperson, Michael, trans.
New York: New York University Press, 2020.
Translates al-Harırı's Arabic classic "Maqamat," with sections imitating or emulating the styles of various writers in English (Mark Twain, Virginia Woolf, John Lyly, etc.). The "Author's Retraction" is "modeled on" Ret.

Al-Hariri of Basra.
Cooperson, Michael, trans.
New York: New York University Press, 2020.
Translates al-Harırı's Arabic classic "Maqamat," with sections imitating
or emulating the styles of various writers in English (Mark Twain, Virginia
Woolf, John Lyly, etc.). The "Author's Retraction" is "modeled on" Ret.

Wahlen, Claes.   Lund: Ellerströms, 2020.
Considers translation as theory and inspiration in the writings of four English authors, including discussion of Chaucer’s translations of Boethius in Bo and in TC, and John Dryden’s translations of CT. Wahlen’s Ph.D. dissertation,…

Robinson, Olivia.   Turnhout: Brepols, 2020.
Begins with a discussion of "Chaucerian meanings" to investigate medieval textual production and verse translations from French to English, and considers how the "boundaries of the Chaucer canon have been established and defined by the inclusion and…

Lawton, David.   Corinne Ondine Pache, Casey Dué, Susan Lupack, and Robert Lamberton, eds. The Cambridge Guide to Homer (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020), pp. 580-81.
Surveys Chaucers references to and possible knowledge of Homer, emphasizing mediating sources, especially Boccaccio.

Havely, Nick.   Miriam Wendling, ed. Cardinal Adam Easton (c. 1330–1397) (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020), pp. 119-38.
Demonstrates Adam Easton's "detailed engagement" with Dante's "Monarchia" (especially Book 3) in his "Defensorium ecclesiastice potestatis," and suggests that Easton and Chaucer "might well have known about each other’s work." Includes comments on…

Cartlidge, Neil.   Chaucer Review 55.3 (2020): 279-97.
Suggests that Robert Holcot’s commentary on the Book of Wisdom is the immediate source of HF, 991–1017 and 1259–70, and ParsT, 603–7, describing the authors' shared skepticism about the "limits of human knowledge” and discussing specific echoes…

Smith, Jeremy J.   New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Historical-pragmatic analysis of the formal features of texts in manuscript and in print (e.g., punctuation, spelling, capitalization, script, font, etc.) in relation to the texts’ “socio-cultural” functions—linguistic, aesthetic, ethical, practical,…

Sawyer, Daniel.   Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
Studies medieval reading of verse manuscripts and includes analysis of canonical Middle English verse texts, such as works by Chaucer, Gower, Hoccleve, and Lydgate, as well as lesser-known fourteenth-century northern religious manuscripts. Argues…

Martin, Joanna M., ed.   Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020.
Edits thirty-four poems from Cambridge University Library, MS Ff.1.6—those found in no other manuscript—with texts, notes, glossary, and bibliography. The introduction includes discussion of language and scribes, and commentary on the poems' place in…

Edwards, A. S. G.   Notes and Queries 266, no. 1 (2021): 25.
Contends that Cambridge, Pembroke College, MS 215 may be the manuscript referred to as "7574 Boethius’s Consolat.of Philosophy, translated by Chaucer, 'imperfect,' 2s 6d” in the 1770 sale catalogue of London bookseller Thomas Payne, since it is…
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